The pins on these break off fairly often because the connector is glued so tightly to the frame. They're annoying, but they can be fixed. This connector also works for the following devices: IPAD AIR 3 IPAD AIR 4 IPAD PRO 11" (1ST GEN, 2018) IPAD PRO 11" (2ND GEN, 2020) IPAD PRO 11" (3RD GEN, 2021) IPAD PRO 10.5" IPAD PRO 12.9" (1ST GEN, 2016) IPAD PRO 12.9" (3RD GEN, 2018) IPAD PRO 12.9" (4TH GEN, 2020) IPAD PRO 12.9" (5TH GEN, 2021) IPAD PRO 12.9" (6TH GEN, 2022) You will receive 2 connectors.