Amado Pena Jr. - "Mariita" art on Southwest Crystal Tile. Renown artist Amado Pena Jr., according to his bio, is a "Mestizo of Mexican and Yaqui ancestry. His art celebrates the strength of a people who meet the harsh realities of life in an uncompromising land, and his work is a tribute to the Native Americans who survive by living in harmony with an adversarial, untamed environment." In Mariita, he celebrates a potter with her beautiful pottery. Pena is inspired by places like Canyon de Chelly, Spider Rock, Monument Valley, Enchanted Mesa, Acoma, and Black Mesa. These sites are part of an enduring landscape that speaks of the ancient heritage of a region that is now identified as Arizona and New Mexico. His works are characterized by bold color and form, and dynamic composition. Through his art, he communicates his vision of a land, its people and their art. Please see pictures for details as they are part of the description. Thank you for looking.